
  • Raised funds to make a members house wheel-chair accessible after he was involved in a critical accident in 2001.
  • Raised funds for Sanjay Parkers ongoing battle with cancer.
  • Successfully helped Brenda Loftus in her legal battle to regain her Residential status.
  • Contribute funds to offset funeral expenses for several members of the community.
  • Collaborated with The Black Academy of Arts and Letters in hosting the Stella Maris Jamaican Dance group who performed in a program dedicated to the memory of the late Ossie Davis and academy award winners Morgan Freeman and Jamie Foxx.
  • Donate Bibles to Jamaica Penal Institutions.
  • Helped with a displaced child in providing a home for his time in the US and also provided him with the airfare to return to Jamaica, along with school supplies and the common necessities for his up coming school year.
  • Donated clothing and food supplies to the Katrina victims.-Collaborated with the Home Depot and their Team Depot in refurbishing a home for the parent of a child that has terminal cancer.
  • Volunteer countless hours to the Boys and Girls club of Dallas.
  • Volunteer our services to the Salvation Army of Dallas annually.
  • Annual Christmas visits to the Brentwood Nursing home, with our young members to sing Christmas carols and donate gifts to its residents.
  • Volunteer time to the Tremont Nursing home annually.
  • Member Troy Terrelonge went to Haiti to render medical assistance during the country’s hurricane disaster.
  • Donated several Scholarships to students in college at Midwestern State & Texas A&M Commerce.
  • Donated $5,000 to Crime Stoppers as reward for the arrest & conviction of the persons responsible for the murder of Vice President = Robert Lawrence on April 26, 2010.